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Caprice Rectangular Wooden Bar Table In Grey Oak Effect

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Caprice Rectangular Wooden Bar Table in Grey Oak Effect, a stunning addition to your living space that seamlessly blends style and functionality. The table features a sleek rectangular top and base, both elegantly finished in a modern grey oak effect, exuding an air of sophistication. Supported by solid shiny chrome stainless steel double support, this table not only looks stylish but also ensures durability and stability. Whether you're enjoying a leisurely evening or hosting a gathering, the Caprice Bar Table sets the perfect stage for stylish and modern entertainment. Elevate your home with this contemporary piece that exudes charm and complements any setting.

Contemporary Luxury: The Caprice Wooden Bar Table in Grey Oak Effect is a symbol of contemporary luxury. Its sleek design and rectangular top exude sophistication, aligning perfectly with the trend of contemporary interior decor that emphasizes clean lines and minimalism.

Spacious Dining: Enjoy spacious dining with family and friends as this table comfortably accommodates multiple guests. Its top adds a touch of refinement to your bar or dining area while providing ample space for memorable gatherings, in line with the trend of open and inviting dining spaces.

Elegance: The grey oak effect finish of the table's base not only enhances its visual appeal but also makes it easy to clean and maintain, ensuring its lasting beauty for years to come. This easy-care feature is in tune with the practical yet stylish trend.

Versatile Contemporary Charm: The Caprice Bar Table's design effortlessly complements a variety of contemporary interior decor styles. Whether your space is adorned with minimalist chic or modern industrial elements, this table is the perfect addition.

Exclusive Opportunity: Don't miss the exclusive opportunity to bring the Caprice Wooden Bar Table into your home at a special price. Elevate your bar area with contemporary luxury today, and stay aligned with the contemporary design trend.


• Material : MDF, Stainless Steel
• Finish : Grey Oak Effect, Chrome
• Caprice Bar Table In Grey Oak Effect And Stainless Steel Support
• Top and Base Finished in Grey Oak Effect
• Thick Grey Oak Effect Rectangular Top
• Solid Shiny Stainless Steel Double Support provide Strength to the Bar Table
• Stylish And Modern Piece of Furniture with Wenge Base
• Fabulous Stainless Steel Legs Design
• Contemporary furniture Ideal for your Dining, Living and Bar
• Available at an Affordable Price
• Images shown are for illustration purpose only


• Height : 110cm
• Width : 120cm
• Depth : 70cm

Why Choose Furniture in Fashion?

• We are committed to delivering quality and style that exceed expectations
• Fast and reliable shipping to ensure your satisfaction
• A name you can trust for exceptional furniture that stands the test of time

Discover how the Caprice Table can transform your bar or dining area, creating a stylish and welcoming space for entertaining. Order now and experience the pleasure of living in contemporary luxury.


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