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Candid Grey Faux Leather Bar Stools With Chrome Base In Pair

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Candid Faux Leather Height-Adjustable Gas-Lift Bar Stool, a Contemporary Masterpiece with a Quilted Seat in Elegant Grey Finish, Featuring a Polished Chrome Stainless Steel Base and a Seamless 360-Degree Swivel Mechanism.

Sleek and Modern Design: Step into the world of contemporary sophistication with the Candid Faux Leather Bar Stool. Its pristine Grey faux leather upholstery paired with a gleaming chrome base creates a stunning visual contrast that instantly grabs attention.

Unparalleled Comfort: Designed with your comfort in mind, the Candid Bar Stool features a well-padded, ergonomic seat. Whether you're enjoying cocktails with friends or a quick breakfast at the bar, you'll experience luxurious comfort with every use.

Chic and Versatile: While the Candid Bar Stool is designed to enhance your bar area, its chic aesthetics and versatile design make it a standout addition to any space in your home. Use it as a stylish accent chair in your living room, a unique seating option at your kitchen island, or even as a modern touch in your home office.

Quality That Lasts: Crafted with precision and durability, the chrome base of the Candid Bar Stool not only adds a touch of contemporary flair but also ensures stability and longevity. This is more than just a bar stool; it's a testament to quality craftsmanship.

Start Conversations: Impress your guests and ignite conversations with this statement piece. The Candid Bar Stool's modern design is a conversation starter, showcasing your impeccable taste in interior decor.

Your Design Palette: The pristine Grey upholstery serves as a versatile canvas for your creativity. Add vibrant cushions or throws to infuse your unique personality into this elegant piece, or let it stand as a symbol of timeless simplicity.

Limited Time Offer: Don't miss the opportunity to introduce the Candid Faux Leather Bar Stool into your home at an exclusive price for a limited time. Elevate your bar space with a touch of contemporary elegance today!


Here are some more Features of Bar Stool:

• Material: Faux Leather, Stainless Steel
• Finish: Grey, Chrome
• Chrome Plated Base With Foot Rest
• This noble bar-chair stands for best quality in a modern design
• It,s an ideal complement to your bar area or kitchen
• It goes well with any Bar Table
• Images shown are for illustration purpose only


• Height : 88cm to 109cm
• Width : 44.5cm
• Depth : 51cm

Why Choose Furniture in Fashion?

• We are dedicated to delivering quality and style that surpass your expectations
• Fast and reliable shipping to ensure your satisfaction
• A trusted name in furniture that you can depend on

Discover how the Candid Bar Stool can transform your bar area and elevate your entertaining moments. Order now and experience the luxury of living with style.


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